Feb 11, 2012

Quote of the day

"It is hard to fail, but it's worse never to have tried to succeed." 

"Es duro fracasar, pero es peor jamás haber intentado alcanzar tus metas."

"Trudno jest ponieść klęskę, lecz dużo gorszym jest nigdy nie próbować odnieść sukces."   

-Theodore Roosevelt

Lovely quote today :) But couldn't find the right translation in Polish! HELP! (finally i got help with the translation. thank youuu)

Hope everyone had a nice sat! Hubby and I stayed at home and watched Listy do M. Although it didn't have English or Spanish subtitles, I understood the story (it means my Polish is getting better!). 

PS: That's Kokieta. One of the 5 pets we have at home


  1. Maybe like this: "Trudno jest ponieść klęskę, lecz dużo gorszym jest nigdy nie próbować odnieść sukces".

    1. thanks for the help! hubby isn't really good at translating :P (hope he wont read this :P )

  2. Kokieta? Haha, sweet name!
    I haven't seen Listy do M. yet, but I think about do that. A lot of people say it is great film :)


  3. I bet Adam is great in translation :)
    I am working as a professional translator and interpreter so if you are ever stuck with something, just let me know :)


Comment in Polish, English or Spanish! I will understand :) Nie bój się :P

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