Feb 20, 2012

Chalkboard in Decoration

I remember my mom yelling at me when I used to paint on the walls. Maybe if she would’ve thought of  making a wall or some furniture surface as a blackboard (chalkboard) we wouldn’t have had that prob! This is a great idea. It looks really modern and Its definitely helpful and useful for writing messages, reminders or having calendars.

I am totally obsessed with using chalkboard when designing. And for sure I will put it somewhere in my home whenever I’ll own one! Take a look at these photos. To be honest with you, I always thought it would be a brilliant idea to have it in a kids room. But after having a look at these pics I think it looks amazing in the kitchen too! I’m not really a fan of having it in my living room or bedroom. Maybe in the office space too :)

Hope you all have a good Monday! As for me, I’ve decided to go back to the gym and start eating healthier! I don’t know when I stopped taking care.. Anyways, hope you enjoy this post! 


How ABSOLUTELY CUTE is this!?!? This chalkboard is located in the guests room. So you’ll receive your guest with a nice message!



Chalkboard on objects!















In the dinning room? Not really a fan. But, hey.. you might like it!



At your office space.

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What do you think? Comment below! I’d love to read your thoughts :)

Czekam na wasze komentarze :)




  1. Chalkboard is a great form of decoration. It's so practical ! I love the blackboard wall on this photo http://lh5.ggpht.com/-8fuJH2TN-aQ/T0HZX_XIDRI/AAAAAAAABBw/NVg9t5Nb77A/s1600-h/black%25252Cboard%25252Cinterior%25252Cdesign%25252Cwall-aa50f1abfbc80205850cc2e94830880b_i%25255B7%25255D.jpg

    1. yeah i loved that pic too!!! but i think the guest room idea was so cute! :)

  2. Przefejne!
    A my niezmiennie wśród śniegów nie damy się - robimy posty! http://lenalona.blogspot.com/2012/02/put-your-glasses-on.html

    Lena&Lona, "Bless the Mess" blog

  3. Bardzo podoba mi się wnętrze jadalni, bo uwielbiam biel i przestrzeń w mieszkaniach. Podoba mi się też bardzo Twoje zdjęcie profilowe:))

  4. I love all pictures! And its a very good idea i love it because is a great way to write everything you want!

    xxx Lizzie

  5. Wow, I didn't think that those boards on the walls can be so inspiring and beautiful. So creative. Thank you for sharing this!

  6. cute post! feel free to check out my blog dolly! http://fashionettista.blogspot.com/


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